
Posts Tagged ‘bouncing ball’

To use anticipation in animation is very important so that the audience can understand what they see. As a real-life example, anticipation is when you bend down….and saving up energy like a spring…before you jump up in the air. Interesting:)

This weeks assignments are:

-Planning sketch of a ball going through an obstacle course

-Animation of a ball going through the chosen obstacle course (3 to choose between), and use squash & stretch before the first bounce. After that it’s going to look like a basketball/soccerball. Max 120 frames.

-Sketches of poses showing “devastation”

-A Stu pose showing “devastation” from the selected sketch

I’m going to Stavanger today until tuesday for playing volleyball match, seeing friends, and work at Oceaneering. So here’s what I have handed in so far (might do some small changes if I get comments on them):

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This weeks post is a tad late, but now I can post the exciting stuff all in one go! This weeks assignment is to animate a scene with one heavy and one light bouncing ball that comes to a stop. We were allowed to put some obstacles in the scene, and I chose to make it simple with only one wall in the scene. We have to hand in a planning sketch as well. And we could hand in a revision from last week, so I chose to do a few changes to Stu’s excitement pose after my mentors comments.

Since I’m off to celebrate my granma’s 90 year birthday, I’ve handed in the assignment today. So here it is:

On Stu’s pose I have moved his left arm a bit further away from his head, so there’s a bigger negative space and the siluette is more readable. And his left foot is moved closer to his body, following the line of action more.

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My third week at Animation Mentor has come to an end, and this weeks assignment is handed in 1 hour and 20 min before the time limit. Here’s my bouncing ball planning sketch finished:This is my bouncing ball:

This is my revision of Stu from last week:And this is my Stu pose showing “excitement” (I’m not sure if I’m allowed to put another Stu in there…I’ll see what my mentor says):Here’s a couple of other Stu poses for “excitement”, but I didn’t choose these as they weren’t as clear as the one above:

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This week is all about the planning before animating and finishing a shot. The assignments are sketching and planning a bouncing basketball/football and animate it(without squash & stretch & turning), sketch poses showing excitement, and pose Stu in one selected pose. Here’s my planning for the bouncing ball:I got a comment from my mentor on last weeks assignment, that Stu’s right arm wasn’t naturally placed, and the left arm was a bit hidden. So for this week I have made a revision:

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